City of Lights


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Barcelona at night is glistening right now. With all its holiday lights illuminating the streets, the city was beckoning us to come out and enjoy the Christmas glory. We intentionally left at late afternoon and waited for dusk to set in to see them turn on. And as soon as it hit 6pm, the city was lit. Barcelona instantly because an urban winter wonderland (minus the snow). You definitely heard some oohs and ahhs. And soon after, people started to take out their cameras and smartphones to snap shots of the nocturnal glow of the city.

Passeig de Gracia.


A Christmas tree — sponsored by the jeweler Tous, adorned with the teddy bear logo.

IMG_5995 IMG_5969 On Rambla Catalunya, the Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor glimmers at a high distance.

Going pink at Plaça del Angels.




Plaça Catalunya.



The lights on this building twinkled at high speed.


Las Ramblas.


I’m looking forward to the Christmas fairs peppered throughout the city. Bring on the holiday season!

By Justine Ancheta

California native, churro aficionado, and mom of 3, Justine Ancheta writes fervently about Barcelona and Spain. Since 2008, she's been eating burnt onions (calçots) and tripping on cobblestones in the Gothic Quarter. She shares tips on popular attractions, exposes offbeat non-touristy spots, and gives insight on exploring Barcelona with kids. Her next Catalan culture challenge: top level of a human castle (castellers).

1 comment

  1. ¡Qué agradable pasear por las calles céntricas de Barcelona!. Por la noche tiene un encanto especial y si es Navidad tiene un plus. Está muy bien recogido ese ambiente en las preciosas fotos de Justine.

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